Monday, March 18, 2013

Preston's 1/2 Birthday!

Preston's 1/2 birthday was last week (March 13th), yes I am a little behind but we both were sick last week and I was super busy. This time of year we have so much going on that I got behind on blogging about this milestone!  I cannot believe he is 6 months already, it feels like I was just in the hospital having him.  Being a mother to him is nothing I could ever imagine and I just want time to slow down. It really does go by super fast! He is almost crawling he pulls/scoots and rolls everywhere. He is sitting up pretty good by himself every once in while he gets wobbly and falls over but doing very good. He sleeps all night like 9-12 hours! He is a very happy baby and smiling all of the time! This past week he was sick so the pictures that I took he was asleep and then barely smiling. Here are some pictures of his first 6 months!

The day he was born and his hospital pictures.
5 days old.

3 months old
6 months old.  He was sick and he slept most of the day but I did manage to get a picture in his onesie and he was smiling.
These past six months have bee the best six months of my life and I cannot wait to see what the next 6 months have in store for him and our family.


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