Monday, May 23, 2011

First Post

This is my very first post as a blogger.....I hope to become better at this at time goes on. There is so much we would like to share with our family and friends and we thought this would be the way to go about do that so here we go.......

So right now my mom will be having surgery tomorrow morning to have a hernia repaired. So i don't know how much blogging I will be doing. Tonight Corey and I attended a Pre-K graduation for some friends of ours daughter. Her name is Allison and she love her some Corey!!

As you can see in the picture she loves Corey and we love her just as much. We surprised her tonight at her Pre-K graduation. It was the cutest thing to see her on stage and when she saw us she did a double look like is that really Heather and Corey , it was priceless.

We are also in the process of remodeling the house so I will be sure to post all the detail about that as well! If anyone has any tips or anything to help me learn more about blogger please let me know!