Monday, April 15, 2013

Preston is 7 months!

Preston is now 7 months! Wow has time flown by it seems just like yesterday we were coming home from the hospital. He is now crawling or scooting everywhere he wants. He wants to stand all the time he is now holding on to stuff and standing. He is almost pulling himself up on stuff, like the other he pulled up on a laundry basket because he could reach it to pull up on. He wants to walk so bad he will get there sooner than later I'm afraid. He now weights 22 pounds and 28 inches long. He has double ear infections at the moment but hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. He is a little whiny at times but he just wants me to hold him but other than that you would never know he was sick. Here are some pictures of him the last few days....

Easter Weekend

A little late on this post but we have been pretty busy since Easter and Preston has been sick with double ear infection so there hasn't been any time to blog. Easter weekend was very busy it started with us going taking Preston to see the Easter bunny at the mall. This is his first Easter and I was a little skeptical about how he would do and if he would cry. At Christmas we took him to see Santa Clause but I think he was too young to get scared. He did great with the Easter bunny he was just very tired and you can tell in his picture.

Preston had a Easter egg hunt/party at Mother's Day Out so Corey and I went to that and got a few pictures. This year he could care less about the egg hunting he was more worried about the rocks in the playground.

Later that afternoon Preston got his first haircut by one of my cousins that comes down to cut my Papaw's hair. Preston's hair was covering his ears and sticking out so we decided he could get a little trim. He did great and didn't even cry.
As a tradition since before I was born my mom's family always goes to church together on Easter Sunday and has lunch we also get pictures of every family all dressed up in our Easter clothes. Here are a few...

My grandparents with some of their grandkids & great-grandkids

My grandparents with their children.
Some pictures of my favorites of  Easter Sunday....


Clayton & Preston (cousins) in their matching bunny shirts playing.
We had a great first Easter with our little boy and we can't wait for many more to come. Hope everyone had a great Easter.